Selasa, 5 Januari 2021


 Perkara Yang Perlu Diberi Perhatian:

 1. Seksyen 5, 137(1)(b), 141(1)(c), 124A, 204D(1)(c) Kanun Tanah Negara (KTN) 1965:

a)   Seksen 5 KTN; "pre-computation plan" means a plan of the layout of lots prepared by Director of Survey and Mapping or licensed land surveyor showing the intended new boundaries and areas of those lots which are based on computation from existing survey data and other relevant data, where the linear misclosure of the computation is not less than one part in four thousand;

b)   Seksyen 137(1)(b); 137. Applications for approval.

(1) Any application by a proprietor for approval of the sub-division of any land shall be made in writing to the Land Administrator in Form 9A, and shall be accompanied by-

(b) a pre-computation plan of the land showing the details of the sub-division, together with such number of copies thereof as may be prescribed or, in the absence of any such prescription, as the Land Administrator may require; 

c)   Seksyen 141(1)(c);141. Conditions for approval of partition.

(1) No partition shall be approved by the State Director or, as the case may be, Land Administrator unless-

(c) the conditions specified in sub-section (1) of section 136 for approval of the sub-division of land are, mutatis mutandis, with the omission of paragraph (ca) and subparagraph (f)(i) of that subsection, satisfied. 

d)   Seksyen 124A;124A. Simultaneous applications for sub-division and under section 124(1) in respect of the proposed sub-divisional portions.

(1) The proprietor of any alienated land may apply to the State Authority for the approval of the sub-division of the land and at the same time make an application under sub-section (1) of section 124 in respect of the proposed sub-divisional portions.

(1A) Where the application relates to estate land-

(a) the Land Administrator shall refer it to the Estate Land Board established under section 214A for its recommendations; and

(b) the Secretary of the Estate Land Board shall convey its recommendations as expeditiously as possible to the Land Administrator.

 (2) Any application under sub-section (1) of section 124 in respect of the proposed sub-divisional portions shall be in Form 7D, and shall be treated and dealt with under section 124 as a separate application under sub-section (1) of section 124 in respect of each of the proposed sub-divisional portions.

(3) The approval of the application for sub-division and the approval of the application under sub-section (1) of section 124 in respect of the proposed sub-divisional portions shall both be conditional upon the applicant satisfying in respect of all the sub-divisional portions, within such period as the State Authority may specify, all the conditions that may be imposed under sub-section (5) of section 124 in respect of each of the proposed sub-divisional portions.

(4) For the purpose of the application for sub-division under subsection (1), the application shall be treated as if it is an application under section 135 and the provisions of sections 136, 137, 138 and 139 shall apply insofar as they are not inconsistent with the provisions of this section, and in considering such application the State Authority shall have and may exercise all the powers of the State Director or the Land Administrator, as the case may be, or may direct the State Director or the Land Administrator, as the case may be, to exercise all or any of them.

e)   Seksyen 204D; 204D. Applications for approval of surrender and re-alienation.

(1) Any application for approval by a proprietor wishing to surrender his title or titles under this Part shall be made in writing to the Land Administrator in Form 12D and shall be accompanied by-

(c) a plan showing the lot or lots to be surrendered and a pre-computation plan showing the details of the portions and the units to be re-alienated, together with such number of copies thereof as may be prescribed or, in the absence of any such prescription, as the Land Administrator may require; 

2. Pekeliling Ketua Pengarah Tanah dan Galian Persekutuan Bilangan 1/1994; ‘Pelan Pra-Perngiraan (Pre-Computetion Plan) (Disemak 2007)’, Pekeliling Ketua Pengarah Tanah Dan Galian Persekutuan Bilangan 2/2008; ‘Pengukuran Tanah oleh Jurukur Tanah Berlesen’ dan Pekeliling Ketua Pengarah Tanah Dan Galian Persekutuan Bilangan 2/2009; ‘Penerimaan Pelan Pra-Pengiraan (Pre-Computetion Plan)’. 

3. Surat Pekeliling Ketua Pengarah Ukur dan Pemetaan Bilangan 3/2008; ‘Pindaan kepada Takrifan Pelan Pra-Hitungan (Pre-Computetion Plan)’, Pekeliling Ketua Pengarah Ukur dan Pemetaan Bilangan 3/1993; ‘Pelan Pra-Hitungan (Pre-Computetion Plan)’ dan Pekeliling Ketua Pengarah Ukur dan Pemetaan Bilangan 2/2002; ‘Garis Panduan Pemeriksaan Di Lapangan Bagi Kerja-kerja Jurukur Tanah Berlesen’.


Perkara Berkaitan Dengan Pentadbiran Tanah:


1.   Pelan pra-pengiraan perlu disediakan oleh juruukur tanah berlesen. Ini adalah untuk menjamin bahawa pelan itu adalah tepat (accurate) seperti yang dikehendaki dalam takrif ‘pre-computation plan’ dalam seksyen 5 Kanun Tanah Negara 1965. Berkemungkinan terdapat individu yang boleh menyediakan pelan pra-pengiraan. Walau bagaimanapun, individu tersebut tidak tertakluk kepada mana-mana undang-undang sebagaimana juruukur tanah berlesen yang tertakluk kepada Akta Juruukur Tanah Berlesen 1958 (Akta 458) dan Peraturan-peraturan di bawahnya. Tambahan pula, menurut seksyen 13 Akta 458 dan juga seksyen 400A Kanun Tanah Negara 1965, hanya juruukur tanah berlesen dan Pegawai Ukur yang dilantik di bawah Kanun Tanah Negara 1965 sahaja boleh menjalankan ukur hakmilik (title survey). Penyediaan pelan pra-pengiraan ini adalah sebahagian daripada ukur hakmilik berdasarkan kepada takrif ‘title survey’ dalam seksyen 2 Akta 458.

2.   Oleh itu Pentadbir-pentadbir Tanah hendaklah memastikan pelan pra-pengiraan yang disediakan oleh juruukur tanah berlesen dan kelulusan permohonan yang diterima juga diberi berpandukan kepada pelan pra-pengiraan yang disediakan oleh juruukur tanah berlesen. 

3.   Justeru itu, Pentadbir Tanah perlulah memastikan hanya Juruukur Tanah Berlesen yang telah diberi lesen oleh Lembaga Juruukur Tanah Semenanjung Malaysia di bawah Akta Juruukur Tanah Berlesen 1958 (Akta 458) sahaja boleh menjalankan kerja-kerja pengukuran tanah khasnya amalan ukur kadaster. Di bawah seksyen 13, Akta Juruukur Tanah Berlesen 1958, Juruukur Tanah Berlesen dibenarkan mengukur tanah bagi tujuan mendapat hakmilik tetap atau “title survey” seperti yang diperuntukkan di bawah seksyen 398 dan 398A Kanun Tanah Negara 1965 seperti pemberimilikan tanah, pecah sempadan, pecah bahagian, penyatuan tanah, penyerahan dan pemberimilikan tanah semula, stratum dan hakmilik strata di bawah Akta Hakmilik Strata 1985. 

4.   Jika Juruukur Tanah Berlesen gagal menyiapkan kerja-kerja pengukuran dalam masa yang ditetapkan, Pengarah Ukur dan Pemetaan boleh menyelesaikan kerja-kerja pengukuran menurut kuasa yang diberi kepadanya di bawah seksyen 398A Kanun Tanah Negara:

398A. Duty to complete survey.

(1) Where any licensed land surveyor carries out a survey of any land for the purposes of this Act, he shall complete the survey within the stipulated time and deposit all the survey plans together with the relevant field books, calculation sheets and other survey data with the Director of Survey and Mapping within such period as may be specified by the Director of Survey and Mapping.

(2) The Director of Survey and Mapping may, by a notice in Form 29D, require any licensed land surveyor who has not completed the survey to produce any document relating to the survey which is in his possession or control.

(3) Where any licensed land surveyor fails to complete any survey, without any reasonable cause, the Director of Survey and Mapping shall complete or cause to be completed the survey and recover the costs of the completion of the survey from such surveyor. 

5.   Oleh demikian, setiap Pelan pra-hitungan yang disediakan itu sewajarnya mengandungi:

5.1 Tajuk yang tepat bagi menjelaskan urusan yang terbabit.

5.2 Pelan lokasi yang dilukis mengikut skala yang sesuai dengan menunjukkan maklumat tajuk, skala dan penunjuk utara serta maklumat yang boleh membantu mengenalpasti kedudukan lot seperti sempadan dan nombor lot atau lot-lot yang terlibat dengan urusan yang dicadangkan, abutal dan nombor-nombor lot berhampiran, jalan-jalan dan nama-namanya dan lain-lain.

5.3 Pelan lot atau lot-lot asal yang terbabit dengan urusan yang dicadangkan, yang dilukis pada ruangan grafik mengikut skala yang sesuai serta berasaskan kas ukuran yang akan dijalankan dengan menunjukkan :

(i) Dimensi dan bearing serta luas lot atau lot-lot tersebut dan lot-lot yang dicadangkan.

(ii) Lebar simpanan jalan/laluan, lebar simpanan sungai dan lain-lain simpanan.

(iii) Penunjuk utara dan skala.

(iv) Maklumat-maklumat lain yang perlu.

5.4 Ruangan dan maklumat tertentu pada ruang teks iaitu :

(i) Panduan dan catitan peringatan.

(ii) Catitan nombor Peta Kadaster.

(iii) Catitan dan pengesahan Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan.

(iv) Pengesahan pelukis dan penyemak Pihak Berkuasa Perancang.

(v) Pengesahan Pihak Berkuasa Perancang.

(vi) Catitan dan pengesahan Pejabat Pengarah Tanah dan Galian dan/atau Pejabat Tanah dan Pihak Berkuasa Negeri.

(vii) Pengesahan pemilik tanah.

(viii) Pengesahan penghitung, pelukis dan penyemak Jabatan Ukur Negeri/Juruukur Tanah Berlesen.

(ix) Pengesahan pihak Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Negeri/Juruukur Tanah Berlesen. 

6.   Justeru itu, sekiranya Jurukur Tanah Berlesen (JUBL) tidak dapat mematuhi kehendak penyediaan Pelan Pra-hitung seperti dikehendakkan. Pentadbir Tanah bolehlah membuat aduan kepada Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan (JUPEM) selaras Seksyen 16(1) Akta Jurukur Tanah Berlesen 1958; Seksyen 16(1) Akta Juruukur Tanah Berlesen 1958 telah memperuntukkan kuasa kepada Ketua Pengarah Ukur Dan Pemetaan (KPUP) atau mana-mana pegawai yang diberi kuasa olehnya bagi memeriksa kerja-kerja JUBL di lapangan. Bagi melaksanakan kuasa dan tugas ini, pegawai-pegawai dari Seksyen Naziran JUBL Ibu Pejabat JUPEM telah diberikan tanggungjawab untuk membuat pemeriksaan tersebut. Ini bersesuaian dengan tugas Seksyen berkenaan iaitu untuk menyelaras, mengawal dan mengawasi prestasi serta kualiti kerja-kerja yang dijalankan oleh JUBL di seluruh Semenanjung Malaysia:

Correction of errors

16. (1) The Director General of Survey or any Government surveyor so authorized by him may at any time undertake such field and office checks on the title survey work of a licensed land surveyor as he thinks fit.

(2) The Director General of Survey or other person authorized by him to approve survey plans, may by notice in writing, instruct any licensed land surveyor to correct at his own expense within a time specified in such notice any error made by him: Provided that such notice is sent not more than twelve months after the date on which the relevant survey plan was deposited with the Survey Department as provided in section 14.

(3) In the event of such licensed land surveyor refusing or neglecting within the time specified to correct such error it shall be lawful for the Director General of Survey to undertake such correction departmentally and to recover the whole cost of such correction from the licensed land surveyor concerned.

(4) If such licensed land surveyor refuses or neglects to refund the cost of the correction survey referred to in subsection (3) within fourteen days of the receipt of the statement of cost the Director General of Survey may report the facts to the Board for disciplinary action, and after due enquiry the Board may order such licensed land surveyor to pay the cost of correction of his work or to pay his client such sum by way of compensation as the Board thinks fit; and if such licensed land surveyor refuses or neglects to comply with such order within one month of the date of such decision the Board may, subject to section 18, suspend such licensed land surveyor from practice as a licensed land surveyor until the cost of such correction survey has been paid, or for a

period not exceeding three years.


Perkara Untuk Tindakan Pentadbiran tanah:


Pentadbir Tanah hendaklah menerima Pelan Pra-Pengiraan / Pra-Penghitungan yang tepat dan lengkap selaras mematuhi kehendak Kanun Tanah Negara 1965 dan Pekeliling-pekeliling berkaitan.

Sehubungan itu, saya mencadangkan pentadbiran tanah perlu membuat kursus pengenalan kepada Pelan Pra-Pengiraan / Pra-Penghitungan dengan kerjasama Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan (JUPEM), Lembaga Ukur Malaysia (LUM) dan Institut Tanah dan Ukur Negara (INSTUN) kepada pegawai-pegawai pentadbiran tanah yang berkenaan, terutamanya di peringkat awal penerimaan permohonan iaitu Pembantu Tadbir (Perkeranian/Operasi) Gred N19 dalam memahami apa itu Pelan Pra-Pengiraan / Pra-Penghitungan.

Justeru itu, dengan adanya Pelan Pra-Pengiraan / Pra-Penghitungan yang sempurna dapat membantu Penolong Pegawai Tanah Gred NT29 untuk membuat siasatan dan laporan tanah, serta dapat membantu Pentadbir Tanah khususnya atau pentadbiran tanah amnya dalam membuat keputusan di atas setiap permohonan yang diterima.

1 ulasan:

akqqdkqq berkata...

Segelintir jurukur berlesen hanya buat pelan ukuran atas meja, lepas lulus baru buat pelan ukuran penuh sebab nak hantar ke jabatan ukur & pemetaan untuk dapat pelan akui bagi pengeluaran geran... Duit ukur sapu dulu, kalau tak lulus mereka untung bayar penuh juga... Paling teruk ukuran dibuat orang pejabat tanah, cop saja jurukur berlesen.. Hentikan budaya duit kopi @ komesin, semua tu rasuah @ salah guna kuasa...😢


  Perkara Yang Perlu Diberi Perhatian:   1. Sub eksyen 22(3) Akta Perancangan Bandar dan Desa 1976 [Akta 172] : 22. Layanan terhadap p...